The campaign
Poverty and hazardous child labor are still part of everyday life in cocoa farming in West Africa. With its campaign Make Chocolate Fair!, INKOTA-netzwerk is working for better living conditions for cocoa farming families and calls for an end to exploitative child labour. We advocate for sustainable cocoa farming that protects the environment and improves the income situation of cocoa farmers.
With Make Chocolate Fair!, we are calling on chocolate companies, cocoa processors and governments to step up their efforts to improve the lives of cocoa farming families.
Chocolate companies are the producers of the end product of cocoa. They bear a significant responsibility for the observance of human and labour rights in cocoa farming and for the payment of living income prices for cocoa.
Governments in Europe and in cocoa-growing countries must hold companies accountable to respect human rights and environmental standards and consistently implement existing laws.
Consumers bear a responsibility, too. As end consumers they can demand fair chocolate. When buying chocolate, they should make sure that living cocoa prices are paid. The INKOTA sheet "Pioneers for Fairness" (German only) provides orientation.