Make Chocolate Fair!
Eine Kampagne von


Whether in the town hall, the university or your local fair trade shop - our exhibitions are not only real eye-catchers, but also inform visitors vividly about the dark side of cocoa farming and chocolate production. Moreover, they demonstrate how everyone can take action for fair chocolate.

INKOTA-network member group borrow the exhibition free of charge. Interested? Then become a member now!

Apply for Membership now! (German)


Our exhibitions are currently only available in German.

Make Chocolate Fair! - The Roll-Up Exhibition

The "Make Chocolate Fair!" roll-up exhibition informs about the long way of turning cocoa beans into chocolate and reveals the exploitative conditions under which cocoa is grown. It also introduces the "Make Chocolate Fair!" campaign and shows how everyone can get involved for fair chocolate.

The exhibition consists of 6 free-standing roll-ups. Interactive elements such as videos and further materials can be accessed using the QR-codes on the panels.

An exhibition space of approx. 20-30m² is required.

The rental fee is 30,00€ plus shipping costs. Further information on the roll-up exhibition can be found in this overview (German).

You can have a look at each of the exhibitions panels in our downloadable PDF file here.

Contact person:
Keshia Acheampong
INKOTA-network e.V.
Chrysanthemum Street 1-3
10407 Berlin
Tel: 030 - 420 8202 54


Travelling exhibition: Sweet&Bitter

Do you know who gets the biggest piece of each chocolate and why cocoa farmers don't eat chocolate? The exhibition "Bittersweet" (German: Süß & Bitter) by Make Chocolate Fair! provides many answers about the sweet pleasure and the bitter truth behind our chocolate. With a mix of text panels, video, audio and interactive stations, the exhibition stimulates all the senses and makes the topic of cocoa tangible for visitors.

You would like to show the "Bittersweet"-exhibition in city, community or university? We will be happy to advise and support you in organising the presentation and accompanying events and also offer you competent speakers for an opening ceremony or guided tours.

The exhibition requires an exhibition space of approx. 50m²

The rental fee is 600€ (shipping included). Detailed information on each of the interactive five stations can be found in this overview (German).


Contact person:
Keshia Acheampong
INKOTA-network e.V.
Chrysanthemum Street 1-3
10407 Berlin
Tel: 030 - 420 8202 54

Our exhibitions on tour

MCF-Roll-Up-Ausstellung in Aktion
© INKOTA-netzwerk | "Make Chocolate Fair!"-Ausstellung in Aktion
Ökohaus Rostock
© Ökohaus Rostock | Die fünf Entdeckungs-Stationen lassen sich unabhängig im Raum aufstellen, sodass den Besucher*innen genug Platz zum Betrachten und Ausprobieren bleibt.
Schweriner Höfe
© Schweriner Höfe | Ob im Rathaus oder wie hier im Foyer der Schweriner Höfe: Die "Süß&Bitter" ist immer ein echter Hingucker.
Süß und Bitter
© INKOTA-netzwerk | Die "Süß&Bitter" mit vielen interaktiven Elementen und anschaulichen Grafiken.
Infostand AfrikaFEZival_FEZ Berlin
© INKOTA-netzwerk | Die Roll-Up-Ausstellung "Make Chocolate Fair!" bei einem Infostand im fez-Berlin
Roll-Up-Ausstellung an der Medienwand Genezarethkirche Neukölln
© INKOTA-netzwerk | Ausstellung "Make Chocolate Fair!" als Outdoor-Version zum Aufhängen.


Gefördert durch Brot für die Welt aus Mitteln des Kirchlichen Entwicklungsdienstes, den Katholischen Founds, die Landesstelle für Entwicklungszusammenarbeit des Landes Berlin sowie durch das Engagement Global im Auftrag des Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ).

Make Chocolate Fair!
eine Kampagne von
und Unterstützer*innen