Who we are
The Make Chocolate Fair! campaign has been coordinated by the INKOTA-netzwerk since its launch in 2013.

For over 50 years, people in the INKOTA-netzwerk have been working together for a fairer world. We fight hunger and poverty worldwide and are dedicated to make globalisation and just for everyone!
Together with our partners in the Global South and through our civic education and campaign work in Germany we strive for a world in which the interest for a decent life for all count more than the economic interest of the priviliged.
INKOTA draws attention to global injustice and works to ensure that politicians and companies take responsibility for them. Together with our partners in the Global South, we support projects of non-governmental organisations, grassroots initiatives and social movements in Côte d'Ivoire, El Salvador, Ghana, Guatemala, India, Mozambique, Nicaragua and Vietnam. Our partners advocate for fairer social structures in their countries and support people in asserting their rights and on their way to self-determined development.
For us, however, it is equally clear that improvements in the Global South require structural change in the Global North. Project work with our partners in the South is therefore closely linked to our civic education and advocay work in Germany. Through campaigns, activities and educative events, we raise people's awareness of the fact that tackling global problems starts right here in our own contexts. Together with our supporters, we therefore fight create the right conditions for a fairer worldwide in Germany and Europe.
More information about the work of INKOTA can be found at www.inkota.de